Welcome to the Counseling Corner!
Meet Our Team
Amy Griffin, MS. P.P.S./ Elementary Resource Counselor
Ms. Griffin is passionate about creating a safe learning environment for all students with an emphasis on teaching social emotional learning (SEL) in order for all students thrive in school and life. Ms. Griffin provides individual/small group counseling, crisis counseling intervention, guidance lessons, restorative/ community circles, and referrals to community resources.
Ms. Griffin is on campus Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Jessica Hebl, MA, P.P.S./Middle School Counselor:
Mrs. Hebl is dedicated to help students succeed in the areas of academic, social, and emotional well-being. Mrs. Hebl offers students support through individual/small group counseling, crisis intervention, classroom guidance lessons, and connections to outside community resources.
Mrs. Hebl is on campus Monday through Thursday.
Available Counseling/Guidance Services
Classroom Guidance Lessons (Second Step/”Toolbox”)
The Elementary Guidance Assistant Program is designed to cover social-emotional learning to students during their school day using an evidence based social-emotional classroom curriculum called Second Step and/or Toolbox. Second Step is designed to teach children how to understand and manage their emotions, control their reactions, be aware of others’ feelings, and have the skills to problem solve and make responsible decisions.
Guidance Assistants are trained to teach Second Step in the classroom and provide small group workshops for children who would benefit from additional support. Students with parent permission may participate in “Toolbox” groups which are a series of once-a-week, 30-minute lessons during the school day. Groups usually last for 10-12 weeks.
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling sessions are initiated by referral from teachers, parents, staff, or administrators. They are a means to provide support and skill-building for coping with family stressors, academic struggles, and personal issues. Services are provided during the school day, once a week, for approximately 30 minutes. The service is free of charge and voluntary. Sessions are conducted for 8-10 weeks and focus on one or few targeted skills and strategies for coping during the school day. Topics may include expressing feelings, self-esteem, problem-solving, communication skills, or making choices. Sessions and topics are tailored to meet the individual needs of the student.
Social Thinking Counseling Groups
Social Thinking Groups are initiated by referral from teachers, parents, staff, or administrators. Group topics are inspired by Social Thinking, a social skills curriculum, which is based on building social skills, resilience, and providing support for students experiencing similar challenges. Small group counseling sessions will be conducted weekly for 8-10 weeks and are based on student needs and schedules. Small groups can consist of 2 to 6 students. Topics and themes are chosen to meet the specific needs of the participating students.
Crisis Counseling
When a crisis occurs that impacts students or staff, counselors will provide classroom support or individual counseling, as needed.
To begin receiving services from the ERC or GA, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher. The ERC is also available to provide referrals for child/family therapy.
Irvine Family Resource Parent Workshops
Visit Irvine Family Resource Page for current workshops offered.