Student Release Procedure

Schools are responsible for each child on campus until they are picked up by a parent or authorized emergency contact.  This responsibility remains, even when disaster strikes and circumstances require schools to keep students beyond the normal school day.  The Student Release Team is responsible for releasing students to their parents/guardians.  The Student Supervision Team is responsible for supervising students in the assembly area and releasing students to the Pick-Up/Release area for reunification with parents.

Parent/Student Reunification Protocol utilizes a Check-In gate system:   

1) The first area “the holding area” is the Student Supervision assembly area where all students remain while being supervised by the Student Supervision Team;

2) The second area is the Check-In Gate where parents assemble to request release of their student and provide identification to Student Release Team staff;

3) After checking in, parents will check in with a Student Supervisor to present their Student Release Ticket and wait for their child(ren) to join them.  The Supervisor will collect the SRT and return it to the Command Station for documentation.



Please have your photo ID ready!

All adults must assemble at the Check-In Gate to pick up students.

Show your photo ID at the Student Release table and identify which student(s) you are picking up.

· Student Release team will verify that you are on the student’s Emergency Contact Card as someone who is authorized to pick them up from school.

3.  You will be given a Student Release Ticket.  Then, you will go to a Student Supervisor, and

    they will help you find your child(ren).

· If you are picking up multiple students, you will have multiple Student Release Tickets

· We will keep the Student Release Tickets as a record of to whom we have released students.

4. Please be patient while you wait for your student(s) to be brought to you.

5. Once your student(s) arrives, the Student Release team will check that the Student Release

    Ticket matches the student’s ID badge.  The SRT(s) will be collected, and the student(s) will  

     be released to you.

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we try to ensure the safety of all of our students.